How to Let Go of Emotions

The way to happiness without having to change your circumstances.

Be still before the Lord and wait patiently for him. (Psalm 37:7)

Let it go.

Discovering how to let go of emotions is a challenge in and of itself. Turn the other cheek, they say. Walk away, they say. But what you do on the inside while you turn the other cheek or walk away must be understood in order to truly let go of anger, frustration or any other emotion.

Turns out, there is a real power in silence, which is the direct result of being still.  Your thoughts will continue to run, unabashedly, and even shamefully, but sit still through it, watching it, allowing it, and feeling it. 

It almost seems too simple to write about, but this is the easiest way to release stored or, suppressed emotions. Just. Be. Still.

If you have been practicing the law of attraction, positive thinking, working hard at your job or any of the other means to attainment, and not getting the results you expect, check your heart. Your spiritual heart. Or your state of being. How do you do this? By being still. This will lead to you discovering how you truly feel nearly each moment of the day.

So you’ve checked in with yourself to see how you are actually feeling, and .. it ain’t good. Chances are, you are not attracting what you think you are aiming for, instead you are attracting more circumstances that make you feel the way you are currently feeling, moment to moment, of every day.

Good news, you don’t have to figure out the why, you just have to sit with it and let it release.  Got in a fight with your husband? How does that make you feel? Angry? Ok.  Well try and look at it this way – you have had an emotion of anger stored inside you from even before your husband made you angry, and the fight with your husband is giving you an opportunity to release that anger, which is just energy.

Action Step: Instead of going to call your girlfriend to talk about the fight or going shopping, which will make you feel better but keep the stored emotion of anger inside you and thus – give it another opportunity to arise – go to a quiet place.  Be still. Listen quietly for the anger. Let it rise. And let it go. Give it your full attention. Give it a color. Maybe a shape. You could even silently repeat the mantra “release”.

Let this become your regular habit of dealing with emotions. If your mind keeps drifting to other thoughts like details of the fight you had, bring your attention back to the pain. Keep your body relaxed as you observe the emotion and allow it to release.  Let the rhythm of your breath support and comfort you. Almost feels like your breathing is massaging the anger away. It may not release in this one instance. Nobody can tell you how long it will take to release.   But make this a routine habit of dealing with painful emotions and it should release slowly over time. 

Instances of being angered by someone or some situation will decrease over time as you deal with your emotions in this way.  Now doesn’t that sound like a nice life?